Polegate is a village located on the edge of the South Downs just north of Eastbourne, East Sussex.
Polegate Rambling Club was founded in 1969 under the title of Polegate Field Paths Preservation Society, with the aim of protecting local rights of way for walking. The annual subscription was then 2/6d – “half a crown” (12.5p). The first of the short, fortnightly rambles was a woodland walk and leaders were known rather formally by initials and surnames.
The membership now remains fairly constant at around 150 – 160. Many members are retired but anyone free to walk from time to time on a Thursday is welcome to come along and try a few walks before deciding to become a member.
The Club is managed by a small Committee whose members are elected each year at the AGM.
You can contact the Club by sending email to: polegateramblers@gmail.com
Club Secretary: Lindsey Gwynne 07974930105
Rambles Secretary: Mick Kemp 01323 486756