Walks Programme



Welcome to our walking programme. Before you go on a walk, you will need to book with the walk leader.  Please contact the leader no sooner than 9.00 am. on the preceding Friday. Bookings made before that time will be ignored. This allows the leader to hold a record of all walkers and to limit the amount of walkers if necessary and to make changes accordingly.  Booking is not required for the Leisurely walks. 

All walks start from the Rec. at 9.30 am prompt unless otherwise stated. Car parking charge to be shared between car occupants. SVP – Suggested Voluntary payment – is payable to the driver by each passenger as it is a reasonable contribution to the fuel used. Leisure walkers please check bus timetables and remember to take your bus passes. Books of walks and maps are available to borrow from the Walks’ Secretary.

In order to keep to safe walking practices, we ask you to comply with the following advice:

  • Please ensure you book on with the leader of the walk from 09:00 Friday preceding the walk, no bookings will be taken beforehand and any before Friday 09:00 will be discounted.
  • Please inform the leader if you are booked on but cannot make the walk thereby freeing up a space for someone else on the waiting list.
  • Please ask the leader if you are unsure of the start of the walk.
  • If you have booked on to a walk and require transport from the recreation ground to the start of the walk it is advisable to arrange this beforehand as we cannot guarantee to organise lifts on the day, so you may be disappointed if you just turn up. Please follow strict social distancing arrangements including using face coverings where appropriate if car sharing and on the walk.
  • Please check the website regularly for updates and for any guidance notes and please familiarise yourselves with them.
  • Please assist those not on email and without internet access to print off and tell them about any changes.

Any questions please contact Mick on 07484 104460

It is suggested that if you are thinking of joining us for the first time on one of our walks you contact the leader for details. Feel free to come and walk with us for a few times before deciding if you wish to join.

LEISURELY walks – 2 to 3 miles, generally avoiding hills and poor surfaces, taken at a leisurely pace.

SHORT walks – approx. 5 miles at a moderately brisk pace and finishing around 12:30, includes a 15min stop at a grassy spot for a drink if you’ve brought one.

LONG walks – 8 to 11 miles at a moderately brisk pace, with a midday break for picnic/cafe/pub lunch and finishing mid-afternoon

Dates for Your Diary

Wednesday March 6th
Langham Lunch
Menu and Application Form PDF Word

Friday April 12th 2.00 p.m. – AGM Willingdon Village Hall. Details to follow.

May 2024

May 2nd

Bluebells, Badgers and Abbots Ale Trail! 5 miles 4 stiles
Wilmington Green (opposite side of A27 to the village). Flat, scenic route along bridle way, fields and paths. Polegate Rec at 09:30

Frolics on the South Downs 10 miles 2 stiles
YHA to Belle Toute, Birling Gap, East Dean & Eldon Bottom. Polegate Rec 09:30, YHA 09:50

Jayne 07775631499 SVP £1.50

MAY 9th

East Dean 2½ miles
Aim for Bus 54 at 09:33 Polegate Station otherwise 09:45 Bus 51 to Eastbourne station, then Brighton bus to Downs Golf Club. Walk to East Dean for refreshments.

Joy 487269 or 07835986485

Lewi, Lewi, Lewi, Lewes 5 miles No stiles
We follow along the pretty banks of the River Ouse to the hamlet of Offham. Gentle but long hill up to site of the Battle of Lewes (1264) with splendid views. Return via Pellbrook Cut and Pells Pool. Polegate Rec 09:30

Barbara O 840622 or 07709998678 (please text as poor reception) SVP £3.60

Rambling Rocks, Return Tour Starring Eridge and Harrisons 9 miles 5 stiles
Different geology, different landscape, green sandstone outcrops, forest views of Sussex Weald and a great country House (Groombridge Place) Polegate Rec 09:15

Richard 07926500419 (text only please) SVP £6.00

MAY 16th

Town, Sea, Cliffs and River Views 5 miles No stiles
A walk around Seaford Head with views of Seaford and Seven Sisters, along the river bank and back up to South Hill Barn Polegate Rec 09:30

Tony 07850184426 SVP £2.40

Kemptown Races 10 miles No stiles
Over the hills to Kemptown and back via the Marina. Polegate 09:30

John and Theresa 07719437464 SVP £6.00


Rye and Winchelsea 11 miles
Starting at Rye Station at 11.00 am. we pass Rye Windmill, then visit the site of the Old Winchelsea Windmill and Winchelsea Church. Then onto Winchelsea Beach and back through Rye Harbour Nature Reserve and past Camber Castle. A flat walk with short sections on quiet roads.
Please check email for further details.

Please book by text or phone – Marion and John 07732971557

MAY 23rd

Cuckoo Trail And Bridleway 2½ miles
Meet outside cycle shop in Polegate High Street 10:00. No bus so walk to Cuckoo Trail. Uneven in places. Refreshments afterwards in Polegate.

Hazel 484992 or 07732712782

Downs Ramble One 5 miles ? stiles
From the YHA to Countryside Centre and back. Leader at the start YHA 09:50. Polegate Rec 09:30 for car share.

Brenda K 07907678148 or 726165 SVP £1.50

Guestling Area Ramble 10 miles Some stiles
Paths, woods, fields in the Guestling area. Refreshments afterwards at The Patience Café . Polegate 09:15.

Patience 07764300287 SVP £6.00

May 30th

To the Feet and Back Revisited 5 miles 2 stiles
Start from Alfriston free car park with a slow climb, not steep, to the foot of the Long Man and return via one of Britain’s oldest Yew trees. Free parking near Alfriston School, (North Road) or free car park in the centre. Polegate Rec at 09:30

Gary 351553 or 07773382426 SVP £1.50

Church To Church 9 Miles, 11 stiles
From Hellingly Church follow the Wealdway to Chiddingly for coffee in the Millenium Garden with the sculptures. Then along the Vanguard Way to Gun Hill and back via the edge of Wellshurst.. Polegate Rec 09:30

Alan 07753610752 SVP £1.60

June 2024

JUNE 6th      

Down to East Dean 2 ½ miles
Meet Polegate station for 54 bus at 09:33 to Eastbourne station then Brighton bus to Friston Pond. Flat with a few steps down for first part of the walk then down to East Dean for refreshments.

Maureen 483337

Wartling Round 5 miles
Undulating walk through woodlands, across fields and along country roads. Park in the road by All Saints Church, Herstmonceux. Polegate Rec at 9.30

Barbara 01323 840672 or 07709998678 SVP £2.70

Ups and Downs around Lullington Heath and Friston Forest  10 miles ? stiles
From Butchershole walk around Jevington, Lullington Heath, Friston Forest and West Dean. Some hills. Polegate Rec at 09:30. Butchers Hole 09:45. Car parking is £4.50 for over 4 hours unless you have a Forestry pass

Sarah 07523211246 SVP £1.20

June 13th   

Views from Dallington 5 miles 5 + stiles
From Woods Corner a fairly flat circular walk through the lovely Dallington village across fields, paths and woodland. Pub at the end for refreshments. Please support as we are potentially parking there. Polegate Rec. 09:30

Judy 07802877514 SVP £3.60

Village Hop Maybe in Reverse 10 miles 12 stiles
Circular walk taking in Wilmington, Alfriston, Berwick & Selmeston, maybe not in that order. With accompanying local yarns. Polegate Rec at 09:30

.Lindsey 07974930105 SVP £1.50

June 20th    

Ringmer Village and Park 2½  miles
Meet bus stop opposite St Georges Church, Polegate at 09:45 for No. 28 bus to Ringmer, walk through village & park to tea room.

Sue 482441 or 07972579340

From Hellingly to World’s End 5 ½  miles 9 stiles
Flat walk from Hellingly Church towards Gun Hill, then through the intriguingly named Worlds End before returning on the WealdWay. Polegate Rec 09:30

Alan 07753610752 SVP £1.60

Hellingly to Chiddingly 9 ½ miles 22 stiles
Mostly field paths, some road and a section of the Cuckoo Trail. Polegate Rec 09:30.

John and Marion 07732971557 SVP £2.10

June 22nd     (SATURDAY) ALAN’S LONDON WALK 8 miles or 5 miles (See 6th July for details)

June 27th    

Bo – Peep 5 miles No stiles
From Bo-Peep car park walk along SDW across fields and paths back up towards SDW and Bo Peep with lovely views. Polegate Rec at 09:30

Penny 07778282811  SVP £1.80

Observe Rader Farm 9 ½ miles 6 stiles
Herstmonceux: Fields, paths and a small section of road. Polegate Rec 09:30.

Paul and Barbara 07812822879 SVP £2.40

July 2024

JULY 4th        

Cuckmere Haven  3.00 miles
Aim for bus 54 @ 09:33 otherwise 51 @ 09:45 from Polegate station to Eastbourne station then Brighton bus to Exceat. Walk to sea before returning for refreshments (could be a later finish time)

Joy  487269 or 07835986485

The Barcombes – Cross, Mills and Barcombe 5 ½ miles 5 stiles
From Barcombe Cross follow the river Ouse to Barcombe Mills then Barcombe. Fields, country lanes, level walking, tea by the Ouse.Polegate Rec 09:30 to car share as limited spaces at the start. Please text or WhatsAp leader

Sonia 07790184583 SVP £4.25

3 Deans 10 miles 6 stiles
From Rottingdean to Woodingdean and along the Downs. Down to Saltdean and back along promenade.. Polegate Rec at 09:30

Aled 07858070497 SVP £5.70

JULY 6th         (SATURDAY) ALAN’S LONDON WALK 8 miles or 5 miles

A circular walk from Kingston and through Bushy Park and Hampton Court Park. As usual, tables will be booked for an evening meal (optional!). Fully booked.

Alan: 07753610752

JULY 11th     

Cuckmere Valley Villages on the Old Coach Road 5 miles 3 stiles
From Alfriston school, North Road, join the Old Coach Road to Alciston. After a refreshment break at Alciston Church we return via Berwick.

Royce and Denise 07528957735 SVP £1.50

A Castle, an Abbey and a Tour.  8½ miles 18 stiles
A pleasant walk through fields and woods in the Rother valley between Bodiam and Salehurst. At the end Washerwoman Gill  will lead a tour around Bodiam (non NT members will incur an entry fee. Refreshments at the end for others not doing the tour.Polegate Rec 09:15.

Gill 07963930941 SVP £6.00

JULY 18th    

To the Lakes  2.00 miles
Bus No. 6 @ 10:12 Downland Medical Centre to LIDL then Cuckoo Trail to Shinewater Lake and then shopping centre for coffee.

Wendy 520015 or 07914431464

Pevensey Castle and Levels 5.00 miles 2 stiles
From Pevensey & Westham station an easy, mainly level walk which takes us around the outside of Pevensey    Castle and then return across Pevensey Haven. Polegate Rec 09:30

Philip, Claire and Donna 07941665683 SVP £1.20

South Barn Hop 9.00 miles ? stiles
A trail by river forests and sea views Polegate Rec 09:30

Jenny B 07594504828 SVP £3.00

JULY 23rd

New “Pop Up Walk” Lewes to Willingdon/Eastbourne. 16 miles Some steep hills
We shall start from the entrance to Lewes Railway Station at 10.00 am. having taken the train there. If you do not fancy doing the whole distance, why not get someone to drop you off at Bo-Peep car park and join us there? – only 7.8 miles back to Willingdon! Or, start at Lewes and finish your walk at Alfriston or Jevington – so long as you have someone to pick you up. (Lewes to Alfriston is 10.5 miles). I shall finish the walk at Willingdon and most certainly enjoy a well earned drink in the Red Lion. Some have suggested we stay and have dinner there. All are welcome to join me. Of course, do not let that stop you from carrying on to Eastbourne should you wish!

Alan 07753610752 or 01323 500664

JULY 25th    

New Walk 5.00 miles ? Stiles.
Park in lay-by heading north east out of Seaford on the Alfriston Road (High and Over). Car share recommended due to small lay-by. Proceed along the Downs descending to walk parallel with Rathfinney Vinyard. Return via High & Over. SVP £2.00

Olive  07941453405

A Pheasant Walk Maybe 11.00 miles ~20 stiles
Visiting some of the villages of the High Weald along footpaths and woodland tracks. Some ups and downs but nothing too onerous. Polegate Rec 09:30.

John and Theresa 07719437464 SVP £3.00

August 2024

AUG 1st      

Polegate to Wilmington   2½ miles
Meet Downland Medical Centre @ 10:45, walk new cycle path to Wilmington village. Refreshments at Wishing Well tea gardens.

Dolly 659879 or 07790750516

Battle and the High Weald  6 miles 7 stiles
Typical Sussex Weald farmland and woods. Undulating and picturesque. Polegate Rec 09:30 

Sonia 07790184583    SVP £5.70

Summertime across Lullington Heath and Friston Forest 9 miles 1 stile
Forest and downland walk across Lullington Heath starting at East Dean, some ascents. Polegate Rec 09:30

Colin and Julia 07446458138    SVP £1.50

AUGUST 8th   

Includes an RSPB site    5 miles 3 stiles
A fairly flat walk through fields with a few small inclines, tracks, woods and riverside paths, visiting a church and a Nature Reserve at Crowhurst.  Lovely views. Polegate Rec at 09:30

Judy 07802877514  SVP £4.50

Summer Strolling in Sussex  10½  miles 3 stiles
Butts to East Dean, Friston and Jevington circular. Polegate Rec at 09:30, Butts at 09:45
Jayne has kindly invited walkers back to her house for refreshments. Therefore, could you please book by 6th August and indicate if you are staying or not.

Jayne  07775631499     SVP 60p

AUGUST 15th     

A Tale of Two Villages     2¼ miles
Meet Downland Medical Centre at 10:10 for No.6 bus to Westham. Westham Church grounds, fields and Pevensey village. May be uneven.

Sue 482441 or 07972579340

To the Feet and Back Revisited   5 miles 2 stiles
Start from Alfriston free car park with a slow climb, not steep, to the foot of the Long Man and return via one of Britain’s oldest Yew trees. Free parking near Alfriston School, (North Road) or free car park in the centre. Polegate Rec at 09:30

Gary 351553 or 07773382426   SVP £1.50

Mayfield Vistas   9 miles    A few stiles
Mayfield circular with good views and evidence of iron industry. Polegate Rec at 09:30

Lesley 07933237300    SVP £5.00

AUGUST 22nd    

A Butts Brow Walk   5 miles ? stiles
A downland walk from Butts Brow. Polegate Rec at 09:30

Sarah 07523211246    SVP 75p

A Swim in the Sea at Seaford 11 miles 4 stiles
From Cuckmere Countryside Centre upstream along the river, up hill and across to Bishopstone to a stop on the beach for lunch and a dip (bring your cossie if required).  Return via Seaford Head. If you have a Forestry England Membership please bring your card for free parking. Polegate Rec at 09:30

Lindsey 07974930105    SVP £1.80

AUGUST 29th   

Saltdean to Rottingdean    2 miles
09:45 for Bus 51 to Eastbourne station then bus 12X to Saltdean. Walk to Rottingdean.

Joyce 07873591275

Discover the Gun Brewery     5 miles   6 stiles
Pretty flattish walk through fields, passing farms and through woods, passing the Gun Brewery. Polegate Rec 09:30

Barbara O 840622 or 07709998678 (please text as poor reception)    SVP 2.25

Chalvington, Arlington Circular    9 miles, 17 stiles
Field walking around Chalvington, Upper Dicker and Arlington. Parking at Arlington reservoir car park (chargeable)  or layby outside.

John and Esther 07579780999 SVP £1.50